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BEFSX41 - Nowy firmware'u v1.52.10
BEFSX41 jest rozbudowaną wersją popularnego modelu BEFSR41. Sprzętowy firewall pozwala na znaczne zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa sieci a obsługa dwóch kanałów VPN umożliwia zestawienie bezpiecznego łącza, np. z centralą firmy.Firmware przeznaczone jest dla modeli v1/v2/v2.1 i oznaczony jest nr 1.52.10. W dalszej części newsa zamieszczona została lista zmian, a firmware można pobrać z >>tej<< lokalizacji.
Lista zmian:
1.52.10 May 10, 2006
1. Fixed some online games issue.
2. Fixed for stability
3. Fixed UPnP forwarding issue.
1.52.9 Jan 11,2006
1. Fixed Tracerouter in WAN will cause the device
to reboot.
2. Fixed VPN selection of FQDN and manual mode to
warn customers that it will not work.
3. Fixed VPN tunnel name will get cut off if more
than one word is used for the name.
4. Fixed MTU enable would cause DNS from Internet to
LAN to be dropped preventing web surfing.
5. Fixed DynDNS.org issue specified by DynDNS.org.
6. Added QoS help file
7. Added PeanutHull Client for DDNS.
8. Added MTU in the Status page
9. Fixed MSN messenger audio not establish correctly with UPnP
10. Fixed netbios not passed through VPN tunnel.
11. Fixed VPN connection that will fail when remote gateway
is FQDN and its IP changes.
12. Fixed UPnP function
13. Fixed website blocking by keyword could cause the router
to reboot.
14. Fixed a few User interace issues.
15. Modified PPPoE, DHCP, and other connection type to be more
16. Increased VPN Pre-shared key up to 31 characters.
17. Fixed proxy filter that would cause the router to reboot when
transfering large files through webmail.
18. Fixed filter function that will cause the router to reboot.
19. Fixed with long URL causing router to reboot.
20. Fixed problem for Internet port obtaining IP from RV series LAN
21. MOdifed DDNS Username to allow longer characters.
22. Fixed Random reboot when Firewall is disabled and some filter
rules are configured.
23. Fixed URL/Keyword not working properly.
24. Fixed media player through the internet to reboot the router.
25. Fixed ISAKMP packet on the LAN side would respond with a fragmented
packet. This resulted the router to reboot.
26. Added Auto-WAN detection used with the Setup wizard.
27. Modified the filter policy function.
28. Fixed ARP packets being sent when default gateway is offline.
1.50.18 Apr 30, 04
1. Fixed PPTP connection problem
2. Added Filter Ident(port 113) option
3. Fixed abnormal port scanning results
4. Fixed DMZ function
5. Fixed vulnerability that would cause the router
to reboot
6. PPPoE PADI does not send the Service name
1.50.9 Mar 17, 04 1
. Fixed NetBIOS broadcast not working under IKE tunnel
2. Fixed PPTP will not pass through WAN to LAN, if PPTP
server is behind the router
3. Added Firmware downgrade version check
4. Fixed VPN can not establish between two sx41,
1(fixed IP with remote security gateway set
to DDNS) and 2(pppoe with remote security gateway
set to any)
5. Added SMTP function for log in e-mail alert
6. Added new Internet type selection in L2TP
7. Added Enable/Disable Internal NAT redirection
to block internel LAN from accessing services
behind the router
8. Fixed multi-pptp passthrough support
9. Revised echo timer to detect the Internet
connection status
10. Fixed IPsec fragmented packet can not
pass from wan to lan
11. Modified Viewlog to show proper title
12. Fixed NTP time
13. Fixed Specify a MAC Address behind the DMZ port
14. Fixed Firewall showing incorrect log
15. Fixed VPN tunnel will not disconnect automatically,
when there is no traffic between two group
16. Fixed TZO client not updating when IP changed
17. Fixed When try to establish a VPN tunnel,
the router may reboot
18. Fixed When NTP time is the same as Restrict
Access time, it fails
19. Fixed Restrict Access Deny whether should
let Website Blocking un-writable
20. Added user defined NTP server
21. Fixed MSN 6.1 to 6.1 will not work using
netmeeting and voice
22. Fixed PADT attack will reboot the router
23. Fixed IPSec fragmentation will cause the
router to reboot
24. Fixed IPSec passthrough disabled option
that allowed ESP packets to go through
25. Modified the product name in the User interface
26. Added security feature to prevent users entering
invalid input in URL string instead of UI input
27. Fixed MAC clone disable function
28. Added Diagnostic screen to do ping test
29. Modified to new web User interface style
30. Fixed Filter Multicast option to stop
broadcasting when "leave igmp" packet is sent
31. Fixed restrict access will not allow or deny
at a specific time or day
32. Fixed Enter policy does not save with a name
with two words, it truncates after the space
33. Fixed Allow option for restrict user fails
for any settings
34. Fixed Block services does not block services
35. Fixed Blocking key word or URL does not work
36. Fixed problem changing MTU
37. Fixed adding new Blocked Services
38. Fixed DMZ specify by MAC behind DMZ port
cant be saved
39. Fixed When LAN IP not default, Login User
Interface by UPnP will fail
40. Modified user interface to avoid errors entries
41. Modified VPN Keylife time shouldnt allow
save the value less than 120
42. Fixed fragmented packets not arriving to
destination in correct sequence. Affected some
IPsec connections
43. Fixed When IPSec passthrough disable, client
Nslookup domain will fail
44. Fixed CGI issue where an out of range value
could not be saved
45. Fixed a vulnerability with DHCP server function
46. Fixed VPN screen where "Manual" for key
management hides View Log button
47. Fixed When MTU option set disable, default MTU
and server MRU can not work properly
48. Fixed Restrict Access always have 1 minute
delay to valid selection
49. Fixed When restrict time access set midnight
12:00 can not work correctly
50. Fixed When DMZ enable, PPTP, PPPoE passthrough
will fail
51. Fixed UPnP Forward setting by UPnP IGD, if delete
all or modify about 8 entry will cause reboot
1.45.3 Sep 26, 03
1. Fixed MSN Messenger not working with UPnP enabled
2. Fixed PPTP passthrough not connecting in PPPoE connection type
3. Fixed Web management through "My Network Place" when UPnP is enabled
4. Fixed UPnP port forwarding through "Internet Gateway" when UPnP is enabled
5. Fixed Default Gateway by checking valid IP address
6. Fixed MacClone page for valid MAC address entry
7. Fixed VPN page IKE phase1 and phase2 KeyLifeTime has no limited range
8. Fixed Log assign to unknown pc cause device to cold restart
9. Fixed IKE agressive mode
10. Fixed Remote Management port range
11. Fixed DHCP "Starting IP Address" & "Number of DHCP Users"
will auto Apply
12. Fixed internal loopback issue
13. Fixed Qcheck UDP throughput not working under a VPN tunnel
14. Fixed UPnP forwarding internal loopback issue
15. Fixed Forwarding disabled, but still works
16. Fixed DynDNS Status error when no WAN connection
17. Fixed TZO Status error when disabled
18. Added Multi-PPTP passthrough support
19. Added New Filter UI style
20. Modified NTP Server lookup
21. Fixed Security hole when issuing Web command causes device to hang up
1.44 Nov 22, 02
1. Added Security by requiring password change for
Remote Management.
2. Fixed CGI script locking the router
3. Fixed reboot problem with Long Passwords.
4. Fixed Lynx connection to the router without
Proper Authentication.
5. Fixed CGI script detecting ".xml" and would
bypass authentication.
6. Fix VPN tunnel disconnecting under FTP
1.43.4 Oct 3, 02
1. Improved FTP throughput
2. Updated Cookie blocking
3. Updated NTP not updating under firewall time filter
4. Update router mode of Dynamic Route under firewall_enable
5. Fixed UPnP reboot problem
6. Updated VPN PFS feature using Netscape 4.79
7. Fixed DHCP range settings.
8. Updated Log tab Apply script
9. Improved DMZ port Throughput
10. Fixed VPN reboot problem with some VPN router
11. Updated Firewall report display when Log Disable
12. Fixed VPN Advanced setting page can reset when clicking Apply
13. Fixed ICMP port unreachable packet under firewall disable settings
14. Updated PPP request limit and reject limit
1.43.3 Sep 20, 02
1. Added DDNS services
2. Fixed certain situations where the Router will reboot
3. Updated VPN connection when DMZ is enabled
4. Updated FTP client and server connection
5. Updated PPTP connection when Firewall is enabled
6. Updated SYN port function when scanned
· Łącznie użytkowników: 24,115 · Najnowszy użytkownik: Ja
Musisz się zalogować, aby opublikować wiadomość.
06-11-2024 22:37
dzięki !
29-10-2024 14:27
@Maniek91PL - Administration=> Admin Access, i tam masz "Allow Wireless Access" do zaznaczenia
26-10-2024 22:07
siemka! ktoś przypomni co się ustawiało jeśli nie mogę wejść od strony wifi do tomato? od lan działa
04-10-2024 17:34
Kupowałem Asusy n10u albo n12d1 ale nie widzę ich, chyba już nie produkują, Chodzi o coś nowego i taniego. Transfery niewielkie.
04-10-2024 09:38
@overflow2 patrząc po dostępności funkcji w nowych kompilacjach, to chyba nawet WRT54G/GL jeszcze ma OpenVPN, albo jakiś odpowiednik... zależy, na jakie transfery liczysz.
30-09-2024 20:53
Jaki aktualnie najtańszy router do tomato do openvpn?
27-07-2024 15:07
@servee - na początek router do rozebrania i obejrzenia, ciężko wróżyć tak tylko po objawach
27-07-2024 14:55
@servee - cały kontroler nie pada tak sobie z powodu "zbiegu okoliczności", więc prawdopodobnie gdzieś przepięcie.
25-07-2024 13:33
@maxikaaz: działało, aż pewnego pięknego dnia przestało działać. W tym dniu była też burza, ale to raczej zbieg okoliczności.
25-07-2024 11:38
@servee - o ile problem jest w obrębie samych wyjść (dławiki, warystory), to naprawialne, ale jeśli w samym SoC - to nienaprawialne ze względu na koszta. A co było przyczyną?