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DD-WRT v23 SP1 final !
Właśnie ukazała się finalna wersja 'DD-WRT v23 SP1'. Różnice pomiędzy poprzednimi wersja są ogromne i nie chodzi tu o ilość wprowadzonych innowacji która jest bardzo duża, ale przede wszystkim o stabilność i dojrzałość projektu, który moim zdaniem jest rozwijany bardzo logicznie i przemyślnie. DD-WRT wypuszczany jest w pięciu wersjach; micro, mini, standard, voip i vpn, czyli dla każdego coś dobrego :-). Firmware można pobrać z działu Download.
15.05.2005: FINAL - Yeah
0001237 RC6: Administration->Diagnostics: command shell broken / 125 MHz cpu
0001233 c23 SP1-RC6 can not change PPTP gateway IP, password shown mismatch (hashed???)
0001232 PPPoE password is not displayed properly
0000764 High system load (exactly 1.00) with sp1 starting from 16.feb. (some routers with 125 MHz CPUs)
14.05.2006: (RC6)
0001229 Extreme High CPU load with RC4 on WR850G v1 (which means the cpuload bug for 125 mhz models is fixed now)
0001226 macauth field has never worked
0001224 onblur value on webalive page
13.05.2006: (RC5)
EXEMPT class added
hfsc packet scheduler (optional, see Qos tab)
12.05.2006: (RC4)
0001217 SP1 RC3 Although Router set to WPA Preshared key TKIP Network shows up as unsecured
0001143 Enabling PPTP-client stops Internet Access
0001190 Enabling PPTP-server stops Internet Access
12.05.2006: (RC3)
officially support for:
Buffalo WLA-G54,WBR2-G54,WBR2-G54S
Belkin F5D7130/7330 (2mb flash),F5D7230-4 v1444 (2mb flash)
0001088 In AP mode it is not possible to add WAN port to LAN
0001196 WEP 128 bit - "Generate" button changes "Encryption" dropdown to 64 bit (v23 SP1 RC 1)
0001199 WR850G: No Wireless LED --- fix ( from ticket 0000666)
0001184 wds site info still broken
0001175 Problem with the new firmware with realtek 8180l chipset
07.05.2006: (RC1)
0001166 Could not turn off CISCO (SES) light by pressing CISCO (SES) button
0001052 DNSMasq clears udhcpd.leases on startup
0001179 backup link goes to firmware from other admin pages
0001168 Resetbutton daemon not starting (05/05/06 build)
0000999 firmware upgrade and backup/restore don't work with https
0000829 WINS server setting not transferred to pptpd server
0000955 WEP Key Generated from Passphrase on V23 doesn't match Generation from Linksys Firmware Based
0001141 The Save Settings button in the VLANs tab is not working.
0000685 No time if NTP server unavailable at router boot if WAN set to disabled
0001157 misleading GUI for DNSMasq
0001136 Management.asp will not save in 04/28 micro wrt54gs build
0001069 After erasing nvram the default router sytle in not set
0000866 Typo: '5.5 mbps' wireless connections show up as '5 mbps' under 'Rate' on Status_Wireless.asp
0001144 Add more fields to Filters.asp for URLs and keywords
0000958 DHCP-Static-Clients not visible in Status-Page nor DHCP-Table
0001138 WOL: net broadcast address wrong
0001136 Management.asp will not save in 04/28 micro wrt54gs build
0001022 Document or change IP filter Timeout / Maximum ports
0001027 LAN & WAN stop working on Buffalo WBR2-G54 and WBR2-G54S using dd-wrt.v23 SP1 beta/2006 - 0407
0001033 Help displayed on the left in SIPatH tab (VoIP build)
0001055 GUI forces to setup Chillispot DNS server, instead of allowing use of default servers
0001116 Default shaded text does not align in IE7 - LATEST BUILD
sputnik crashbug finally fixed
routerboard 500 port internally working now with all features
0001119 After reboot redirection to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/.asp
0001118 INFO site = disabled .. WDS status is gone as well
0001089 Filter IDENT (Port 113) gets disabled when Block Anonymous Internet Requests is unchecked
0001103 New WOL tab not working
0001102 Error on Management Page
0001003 Default settings option on Firmware upgrade page doesn't work
0000145 Rebooting, brings me to unformatted menu
0001100 4/19 Build - "Save Settings" button in Keep Alive does not work
0001084 Filter Multicast automatically ticked when Saving Settings on Security Tab
0001076 18/4/06 mini build shows ssh port as 'closed' rather than stealthed
0000601 Client mode does NOT work on Buffalo WBR-G54 and WLA-G54
0001068 Transfer problem, version 06.04.13, 06.04.15
0000985 LAN Domain name wouldn't transmitted when using uDHCPd
0000992 DNSmasq name resolution requires trailing period on hostname
0000761 QoS service class filter does not work properly
0000909 pptp client routing error 3/14/06 firmware
0001049 DCHPFWD not compatible with PPPOe on WAN - needs change to dhcp-fwd.conf
0000912 Can't use space char in smb share name
0001063 Can't set wireless security
0001050 Unable to switch to WPA RADIUS modes
0001041 Web GUI: Policy Name textbox empty
0001042 v23 04/09/06 build - Textual error "Resetbuttond"
0001038 VPN Help, etc.
0000953 quotes in command output on diagnostics page
0001039 Command Shell broken
booting time dramaticly decreased
fixed some badinterface handling code from linksys
0000931 'LAN IP' in 'Outgoing Log Table' is corrupted
0000968 GZIP broken not working build 27-3-2006
0001031 Port Range Forwarding doesn't save "Enable" in Firmware: v23 SP1 (04/08/06)
0001029 4-8-06 web page formatting unusable in each css theme - (DDNS, All of App & Gaming, etc)
0000998 wireless advanced help improvements for wmm
0000903 Wireless Security help text
0000986 PPPOE - Connect on Demand: Max Idle Time 0
0001008 HTTP Bug on Wireless Security Page/ v23sp1 04/04/06
0001002 Load Average on Status Page Contains Extra Space
0000990 Protocol type always shows "Both" in Port Forwarding page (Apr. 3, 2006)
0000947 25.mar.06 (std) build bricks Buffalo WBR-G54 /WLA-G54
0000974 Firmwares above ~ 20.03.06 bricks LAN-part at WRT 54G 1.1
0000983 add ip_conntrack level to status page
0000964 STP cannot be deactivated
0000941 DNSMasq 2.27 is out
01.04.2006: no april joke
0000976 03/31/06 generic, boot process stops: UPnP problem ???
0000888 WAN port prob on WR850g v3 (LED -> GPIO "reset" problem)
0000978 Incorrent Time for Time Zones without DST
0000971 Truncate first letter of Host Name in Telnet login
SSL bug fixed. which means Backup/Restore and Firmware upgrade should now work in HTTPS as well
0000965 info page defaced (opera browser) & no memory/packet info values (https mode only)
0000918 DDNS Wildcard Option
0000860 www interface in ie7
0000948 24.mar. build - styles broken in Mozilla (ok in Firefox and IE)
0000944 ie lockup when switching to status page on build 2006/03/25
std/voip/vpn distributions contains now mke2fs and formats sdcards automaticly if no valid filesystem is detected
0000936 bad recommendation to disable SSiD broadcast
0000905 brctl showbr truncates output
0000921 cannot submit new user in clilispot local usermanagement
0000597 Javascript Error: Vlan.asp
0000716 if modify a file on jffs and then reboot the router hangs and needs power off to restart
0000661 WRT54GS v1.1 doesn't reboot from console with mtd erase nvram
finally our bad reboot hanging bug seems to be fixed now. NbD/OpenWRT was able to reproduce it and found a solution for it
0000548 Consider using CSS in vlan page
0000796 WDS is not working after restore a backup.
0000907 Update l7 filters to newest version?
0000891 Vlan.asp page error and help page for vlan is missing
0000853 pl2303 driver can't be compiled
0000895 WPA PSK key length is not enforced
0000897 Wireless DTIM help text
0000855 UPnP Disappears
starting from today i will supply a fon capable build too
later this will be introduced with a fon button in any firmware
0000885 Key Generation from Passphrase does not work
0000886 Help Menu in Status Tab needs editing....
mmc driver does now support the newer WRT models as well as the old ones (or better it should, untested yet)
note that i changed the mmc filesystem from vfat to ext2
The userspace code is now compiled with GCC 4.10. i hope this solved some memory problems
0000647 Wireless MAC filter can NOT be administered wirelessly
0000740 Wireless Status Display drops name of 10th WDS connection
0000852 'P2pP' typo in Wireless_WDS.asp
0000833 Disabling UPnP Rule does not remove it from iptables
0000843 Misdirection of new Status -> Sys-Info tab
new upgrade page introduced
0000759 8th, 9th, and 10th WDS links fail to establish
0000838 Delete button "DHCP Clients Table" doesn't work
0000609 Mini version status page extra text
0000597 Javascript Error: Vlan.asp
0000658 Power led never stop blinking after web gui upgrade with "Factory Defaults" selected
0000831 Basic Setup JavaScript problem with pppoE selection
0000595 Missing help page: HVlan.asp
0000816 Info Site password protection has no effect
0000827 ASUS WL-500G Deluxe Router Bricked
0000285 New QoS Service Requires Reboot & Not Sorted
0000722 Unable to connect to the PPTP server after Feb 9 firmware
0000378 Client Bridged mode is not included in Help (/help/HWireless.asp)
0000518 Wrong help page link : link are false or page doesn't exist - a complete inventory ...
0000596 Minor help page changes
0000761 QoS service class filter does not work properly
0000722 Unable to connect to the PPTP server after Feb 9 firmware
0000816 Info Site password protection has no effect
0000453 Xirian GUI style broken
0000779 BrainSlayer style web interface issues
Please note that the username at gui login is now "root" and not empty anymore. additionally i can be possible
that this can cause troubles with old settings. i will implement a nvram conversion tomorrow
0000811 ipkg fails to install as it uses wrong tar syntax
0000808 SiPath Seems to be broken in 2.27.06 build
0000812 nocatsplash doesent work (note. SplashURL must now include the html page too http://yoursite/splash.html for example)
overclocking feature added for safe overclocking (please use with care if you dont want to create a brick)
some help files added
ack timing can now be disabled too
0000805 Web GUI : QoS; Netmask Priority; there's one dot too much, please change to slash /
0000806 nocatsplash upgrade not good
ACK timing setting added (by atheros like distance setting)
many big thanks to Nbd/OpenWRT for providing me the way
0000790 Upgrade NoCatSplash to .93
0000593 Hraduath.asp uses old-style help page
0000732 GUI error in spanish Language
0000662 Web-Admin tweaks
0000771 UPnP stays Disabled
0000775 Client bridge reboot loop or BRICK
0000747 PPTP Client mode Fatal 11
0000755 RP-PPPOE broken in 17/02 build
0000787 GUI Bug, 2/24/06 mini
0000781 2/24 build will not accept UTC+9
0000777 'Join' button on the 'Site Survey' does not work
chillispot changes for fon.com
0000769 WAN IP stays set after changing "conection type" to "disabled"
0000772 Little typo Services-page
pptp signal 11 should be solved now too
mac proxy mode added for client bridge (should solve the most dhcp problems)
0000381 UPNP Forwarding has fixed values 11/24 WRT54G v4
0000757 Site Survey Fails if SSID contains a single quote
0000694 Using the 'Join' button on the 'Site Survey' popup window does not exit the popup window (control panel opens in popup)
0000523 Wrong help container in Access Restrictions tab
0000719 SP1 20060209: Not all L7 patterns showing
0000751 Cannot commit changes (like "Send presentation URL") to UPnP
httpd translation memory leak fixed
french language file updated
0000707 HOST field for static leases: maxlength is too small
0000751 Cannot commit changes (like "Send presentation URL") to UPnP
0000748 Spelling error (build 02/17/06 and 02/16/06)
0000547 Web GUI : Port Triggering's Help Container
0000546 Web GUI : Access Restrictions's Help Container
0000505 Wireless channel Range not really readable
0000743 DNS not working in build 16/02
0000723 rflow doesn't launch in the Feb 9 build
0000655 Setup CVS for DD-WRT
0000726 UPnP problems with 02/09/06
0000735 logo-help.png file corrupt
0000180 Problems setting timezone
Many structural changes for full gpl compliance. so be careful while testing
svn://svn.dd-wrt.com/DD-WRT introduced which contains the very latest sources
memory optimization (should solve various SE505 problems)
Buffalo-WHR-G54S support added (tested)
Buffalo-WHR-HP-G54s support added (should work)
0000665 Problems setting timezone
0000709 Access Restrictions tab disappears in Web Interface
0000517 Wireless Active Client List : bug in the max. clients number
ully b44 driver integration (thx nbd/openwrt)
buffalo wzr-rs g54 support now a little bit more officially
iptables upgraded to latest version
ipp2p module updated
some filter default definitions like soulseek,gnutella,ares etc. converted from l7 to p2p
(reset your config to get them to work)
save workflow enhanced. everything is much more smooth now
0000698 QoS still doesn't work properly in SP1 02/02/06
0000669 QoS doesn't work in SP1 01/27/06 and 01/31/06
0000669 QoS doesn't work in SP1 01/27/06 and 01/31/06
0000690 GZIP, TAR broken (CLI command GZIP = IP ????? build 31-01-2006)
0000661 WRT54GS v1.1 doesn't reboot from console
0000678 WDS p2p mode can't be configured in Firefox if more then 1 MAC is used - web GUI problem
adsense finally removed again
0000656 Build 0123 & 0125 (SP1): httpd crash when saving managment or service tabs
google adsense added to the firmware (please discuss in the forum if you dont like it)
firmware downsized a little bit again
httpd code bug fixed (causes crashes under some not direct reproducable conditions)
0000653 DNSMasq as DHCP server NAKs lease renewal request - v23 sp1 16/01/06
0000386 Memoryleak httpd status page
0000589 PPPoE (standard) Connect on demand is broken
0000641 sp1: 13.&16.jan: All "Additional filters" turned ON by default
0000170 WRT54G or GS hangs when (mtd erase nvram) then (reboot) from a telnet session
0000602 PPTP Internet connections drop due to ipables rules
0000301 WOL in WebGUI is out of Work
0000610 v23SP1: Rflow interface: web interface is broken
dhcpc client interval fixes (connect now faster in client mode)
dhcpc lease update fixes (does not disconnect on lease update anymore)
wOL patch by Pierre Belanger implemented who finally got it to work
0000585 DD-WRT: Rflow support should include choice of interface
0000416 06/12 build: DNSMasq crashes and restarts by itself
0000579 Please Reconsider: Remote Management Is Enabled By Default in v23 final
0000536 Client doesn't get WINS when using DNSMasq as dhcp server - v23 final
0000529 SNMP sysUpTime wrong after reboot
0000336 epi_ttcp default port is correct, but text is wrong in "usage"
0000577 Channel changing turns on Frame Burst setting in Mixed and B-only mode
0000550 WDS P2pP can't be configured in Firefox
0000553 search DOMAINNAME missing in /tmp/resolv.conf
UWAGA ! w DD-WRT najnowszej wersji znalazłem buga, który skutecznie separuje dostęp po lanie, dlatego najlepiej nie ruszać w opcjach QoS - Ethernet Port Priority.
jest kolejny bug a mianowicie w zakladce "Port Range Forward" mozna ustawic tylko TCP i UDP , zabraklo nagle opcji Both ale ma wyjsc poprawiona finalna wersja (ta sama nazwa , ten sam folder)
Wersja poprawiona z BOTH już wyszła. A dla ścisłości dodam, że oryginalnie też można było ustawić BOTH tylko, że edytując regułę po jej utworzeniu (wtedy już ta opcja była na liście) a nie tworząc nową regułę.
Niestety _na moim WRT54GS (v 1.1) dziala bardzo niestabilnie -potrafi zawiesic router pare razy w ciagu dnia.Do tego widac zauwazalne spowolnienie otwierania sie stron WWW ( przy pingu 22ms ->wp.pl i nieobiazonej sieci i necie (DSL). Do tego emule calkowicie blokuje ruch na innych portach(np 80) niz defaultowe dla mulka powodujac prawie calkowite " odciecie" od netu danego usera.Podkrecenie chipsetu routera na starcie do 220MHz mozliwe ze powoduje te efekty . Wrocilem wiec do Thibora - brakuje mi niestety R-Flow Collecktora - - bo to fajna rzecz a dobrego "czytnika logow" mi wyjatkowo brakuje
· Łącznie użytkowników: 24,115 · Najnowszy użytkownik: Ja
Musisz się zalogować, aby opublikować wiadomość.
04-10-2024 17:34
Kupowałem Asusy n10u albo n12d1 ale nie widzę ich, chyba już nie produkują, Chodzi o coś nowego i taniego. Transfery niewielkie.
04-10-2024 09:38
@overflow2 patrząc po dostępności funkcji w nowych kompilacjach, to chyba nawet WRT54G/GL jeszcze ma OpenVPN, albo jakiś odpowiednik... zależy, na jakie transfery liczysz.
30-09-2024 20:53
Jaki aktualnie najtańszy router do tomato do openvpn?
27-07-2024 15:07
@servee - na początek router do rozebrania i obejrzenia, ciężko wróżyć tak tylko po objawach
27-07-2024 14:55
@servee - cały kontroler nie pada tak sobie z powodu "zbiegu okoliczności", więc prawdopodobnie gdzieś przepięcie.
25-07-2024 13:33
@maxikaaz: działało, aż pewnego pięknego dnia przestało działać. W tym dniu była też burza, ale to raczej zbieg okoliczności.
25-07-2024 11:38
@servee - o ile problem jest w obrębie samych wyjść (dławiki, warystory), to naprawialne, ale jeśli w samym SoC - to nienaprawialne ze względu na koszta. A co było przyczyną?
25-07-2024 09:22
W routerze RT-N18u siadły mi wszystkie porty LAN oraz WAN. Działa tylko radio. To jest naprawialne?
29-06-2024 15:16
hi, mam problem z routerkiem RT-AC88u a dokładniej z wgraniem nowego firmware.
03-06-2024 16:24
poszlo w koncu -najpierw przez restoration jakies stare ddwrt, potem z menu update plik ac66u z art o zmianie 868l->ac66u
w 16 maja 2006 08:16:42
w 16 maja 2006 11:51:25
w 16 maja 2006 12:04:29
w 17 maja 2006 00:14:57
w 24 maja 2006 22:46:53
w 14 lutego 2011 08:23:39
w 14 lutego 2011 16:21:06
w 14 lutego 2011 23:29:38
w 15 lutego 2011 20:11:04